Clearaudio Jubilee MC
After a faithful run and some melodious memories, the Benz Ebony TR cartridge hit the re-tip point; loved that cartridge. It was amazing with great warmth and yet solid detail but all things or should I say good things do come to an end at some point. The Benz Micro in Switzerland stopped production ☹. So, after a lot of research, reading, and consulting, I decided not to have the Ebony TR re-tipped by a third party and decided to move to a Jubilee MC, Clearaudio. It has been months since I installed the Jubilee MC but was just too busy to try it out and share my notes. Finally got a chance this weekend, after a burn-in period.
The feeling with Jubilee MC goes something like Wow and Oh let me play that song again. Yes, the Clearaudio performed on an elevated level as compared to the beloved Benz Ebony TR. Now grant it the Benz needs a re-tipping aka tune up but the Jubilee demonstrated more power and energy creating more separation of instruments and voices with a sliver of detail/brightness that was complimentary and not harsh. You could, as with the Ebony TR, feel the music more, and more is better. Thank you Clearaudio.
A few records I put under the Jubilee MC, all live performances: Eagles Hotel California - Hell Freezes Over 1994 live recording pressed in Europe (yes that’s a really good one). Patricia Barber, A Fortnight in France Album with the song Norwegian Wood. Diana Krall, Live in Paris album, A Case of You. After playing these and other vinyl selections it was like being at the Eagles concert, having Diana Krall and her piano in my music room and Patricia Barber’s entire band perform live especially the bass player. Great music records with an outstanding cartridge.
Note the Jubilee was paired with a new step-up transformer from Bob’s Devices, the Sky 20, and connected with Transparent Audio cables. The TT is still a McIntosh MT5 Precision Turntable ("The turntable of the gods." - Rolling Stone) with a special Asai disc sheet AMG-2000, powered by a custom McRu linear power supply and modified vibration isolation from IsoAcoustic and a Minus K isolation table. Yes, I went crazy with vibration isolation and room treatment since arriving from Japan. I am still a big fan of Bob SUT’s; great performance and value. And the Asai disc continues to provide a surface that combines the warmth of the MT-5 Acrylic platter but pops the music with clarity and no muddiness.
Vibration isolation and room treatment are altogether a different ball-game so let me leave it for later. For now, getting back to tuning up my week😊
“Where words leave off, music begins.” - Heinrich Heine